
5 Tools for Influencer Marketing

You probably know that influencer marketing is an increasingly popular form of advertising and brand building and that tapping into influencers on social media can be very beneficial for businesses. When used correctly, it can be worth your time to find the right influencers for your brand.

Influencers are key people who will help to drive your brand message to a larger audience. These individuals may be bloggers, YouTubers, social media personalities, journalists, industry experts, or celebrities; they are critical people in your space. You can work with influencers in various ways, from guest blogging and sponsored posts to gift and event collaborations. You inspire, hire, or pay influencers to get the word out about who you are, your products, or your services.

There are several tools to find the right influencers, so let’s dig into a few of them in greater detail:

BuzzSumo – with BuzzSumo, you can enter a topic and get recent content associated with that topic to find influencers already writing about the subject. The tool allows you to filter by published date, country, content type, or even choose just B2B publishers. You can even view how many backlinks a particular article received to get an idea of how popular it was. BuzzSumo allows you to filter through trending news and explore topics. Not only can you find influencers here, but you can find buzz-worthy items to share on social media and get inspiration and fun content ideas.

Followerwonk – Followerwonk is a tool that can help you identify influential people on Twitter. You can search for keywords, and Followerwonk will generate a list of Twitter users with those words in their bio. To determine the most significant reach and authority, you can then organize the results based on several categories, such as Followers, Influence Score, or Tweets. When you’ve compiled a list of potential influencers, you can then analyze their followers to determine the best influencers for your needs.

GRIN – GRIN is an “influencer marketing CRM,” a software program that lets you upload your list of influencers and manage your ongoing relationships. You can sync communications, track revenue, publish landing pages, run campaigns, and track and manage payments at scale. GRIN integrates with Shopify, Gmail, WooCommerce, Office365, PayPal, and more. This tool is best when you have existing relationships with influencers and manage everything in one place.

GroupHigh – the world’s most prominent blogger database according to GroupHigh, which allows you to find any blogger’s contact info and filter blog results by content, traffic, authority, social following, language, location, and more. View blogs that have already linked to your competitors, your brand, or your clients, allowing you to build new relationships with the already active influencers in your space and build targeted outreach lists.

Cision – Cision (formerly TrendKite) allows you to identify and build segments of influencers that are the best match for your business from over 825 million influencer profiles. You can segment based on topic, bio keywords, location, and more. Cision has the most prominent influencer database globally, so you can identify the right fit for your audience. Their analytics dashboards allow you to measure performance, optimize campaigns, and benchmark results against your competition.

When reaching out to influencers, remember that they are busy people and likely receive unsolicited requests daily. According to Crowdtap, 41% of influencers receive 5-15 unique pitches every week! When you determine which influencers you’d like to work with, have a clear goal in mind. Then, when you are ready to contact the influencer with your request, be sure that your pitch stands out and is a win-win for everyone involved.

To view more digital marketing tools, check out our digital marketing toolkit